Got nothing else to do at your home? Here’s one, our team has tracked down all of the best deals from different major brands right now! Save more money and indulge yourself in the comfort of your own home.
Foot Asylum
Tommy Hilfiger
Banana Republic
David Jones
Don’t miss out on these major deals happening all over the world! Register here and have your favorite items shipped straight to your home in the Philippines at an introductory price of PHP 300 per pound!
Is this your first time using our Buyandship service? Here are a few things you should know:
For US, UK, IT, AU, CA, TH, ID:
DDU pricing = Php 620 1st LB succeeding LBs is Php 380 / LB Delivery Duties Unpaid (DDU)
DDP pricing = Php 620 / LB Delivery Duties Paid (DDP)
For JP, KR, CN, HK, TW:
DDU pricing = Php 580 1st LB succeding LBs is Php 360 / LB Delivery Duties Unpaid (DDU)
DDP pricing = Php 580 / LB Delivery Duties Paid (DDP)
*If you consolidate, the higher price will be applied to the consolidation fee. For example if US and KR consolidation, the higher DDP and DDU rate will be applied.
*If you consolidate KR and JP, then the DDP and DDU rate of KR and JP will be applied.
It is purely on weight, no hidden fees, or charges. Your parcels get shipped straight to your home.
Click HERE to learn more about DDP vs DDU pricing comparison table.
SIGN UP NOW to gain access to our overseas warehouses, and get FREE PHP 50 credit to use for your next shipping fee!
Here is a video tutorial on How to Sign up with Buyandship.