Philippines - English

N95, N99 or N100 mask? Virus and Ashfall Protection For Your Loved Ones

January 28, 2020

The Wuhan death toll has hit over 560 as of today (Feb 6, 2020) and there is no certainty on whether it will be contained, or whether it will increase in the next few weeks. For all of us, we have loved ones we want to protect and usually there shouldn’t be an amount we put on an item that ensures safety. It is the reliability of the products we buy because it is the security of our loved ones we are talking about. Taal volcano has also shown signs of recurring eruption, after the large one, and there is no certainty that that won’t happen again in the next few months, weeks, or days.

In this article we have identified what are the best masks to protect us in both the virus and the ash fall. It is better to get these items from the origination country of those brands, which adds another level of security.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has identified The National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory (NPPTL) approved particulate filtering facepiece respirators. This type of air-purifying respirators protects by filtering particles out of the air the user is breathing. There are seven classes of filters for NIOSH-approved filtering facepiece respirators available at this time. Ninety-five percent is the minimal level of filtration that will be approved by NIOSH. The N, R, and P designations refer to the filter’s oil resistance as described below.


The N95 respirator is the most common of the seven types of particulate filtering facepiece respirators. This product filters at least 95% of airborne particles but is not resistant to oil. There are some products that are approved by NIOSH as an N95 respirator and also cleared by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a surgical mask. These products are referred to as Surgical N95 Respirators.

  • 3M is one of the best providers of this.  HERE is a link from Amazon U.S. where you can buy from.
  • How to buy? HERE’s a guide on how to shop in Amazon U.S and ship it straight to your doorstep using Buyandship Philippines.
  • (Get your Buyandship U.S. warehouse address and deliver to your doorstep in the Philippines. Sign up HERE now)


The N99 particulate filtering facepiece respirator filters at least 99% of airborne particles but is not resistant to oil.

  • HERE is a list of companies that produce it.
  • (Get your Buyandship U.S. warehouse address and deliver to your doorstep in the Philippines by clicking HERE)


The N100 particulate filtering facepiece respirator filters at least 99.97% of airborne particles but is not resistant to oil.

  • HERE is a list of companies that produce it.
  • HERE is a link from Amazon U.S. where you can buy from.
  • How to buy? HERE’s a guide on how to shop in Amazon U.S and ship it straight to your doorstep using Buyandship.
  • (Get your Buyandship U.S. warehouse address and deliver to your doorstep in the Philippines by clicking HERE)


The R95 particulate filtering facepiece respirator filters at least 95% of airborne particles and is somewhat resistant to oil.

  • HERE is a list of companies that produce it.
  • HERE is a link from Amazon U.S. where you can buy from from
  • How to buy? HERE’s a guide on how to shop in Amazon U.S and ship it straight to your doorstep using Buyandship.
  • (Get your Buyandship U.S. warehouse address and deliver to your doorstep in the Philippines by clicking HERE)


The P95 particulate filtering facepiece respirator filters at least 95% of airborne particles and is strongly resistant to oil.

  • HERE is a list of companies that produce it.
  • HERE is a link from Amazon U.S. where you can buy from.
  • How to buy? HERE’s a guide on how to shop in Amazon U.S and ship it straight to your doorstep using Buyandship.
  • (Get your Buyandship U.S. warehouse address and deliver to your doorstep in the Philippines by clicking HERE)


The P99 particulate filtering facepiece respirator filters at least 99% of airborne particles and is strongly resistant to oil.

  • HERE is a list of companies that produce it.
  • (Get your Buyandship U.S. warehouse address and deliver to your doorstep in the Philippines by clicking HERE)


The P100 particulate filtering facepiece respirator filters at least 99.97% of airborne particles and is strongly resistant to oil.

  • HERE is a list of companies that produce it.
  • (Get your Buyandship U.S. warehouse address and deliver to your doorstep in the Philippines by clicking HERE)

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